Hope that the end of your semester is wrapping up well! We have two last things to tell you about this year. 1. Please help us evaluate the symposium and provide any suggestions for future events. https://illinoisaces.co1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_7QehpWKRMxbkxCJ 2. We will be having a debriefing session on Tuesday, May 12th at 5pm in Bevier Commons (249 Bevier Hall). […]
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Register Now for the Focal Point on Promoting Health Equities Symposium!
All Faculty, Students, Staff, Physicians, Health Care Providers, Practitioners, and Community Members with interest in disparities in health care or promoting equity in health care are welcome register for free.
Registration closes March 18th, 2015.
Submit a Poster Abstract
The call for abstracts is now available!
Review the call for abstracts for details about the posters that will be accepted at the symposium. Submit your abstract here! Poster printing will be provided if necessary.
Abstracts are due March 17th, 2015.
Late abstracts will not be accepted.
Symposium registration closes March 18th, 2015.